Volume 2 : Issue 1



Lynn Pattison

In the distance, the Irvin's horn

Eagle at nine o'clock 


Donald Wayne Little

Winter Leaves


Gregory Loselle



Farida Samekhanova

Snow in Toronto

The Light of the Distant Star


Linda Leedy Schneider

The Day After a Lunar Eclipse



Laurence W. Thomas



Robert Haight

Six a.m.


Miriam Pederson

King of the Mountain


Lynn Tremblay

The Train to Nipissing

Ed Woods

Writer’s Block


Destiny Dorozan

Lake Snow



King of the Mountain
by Miriam Pederson

Snow seeps up our sleeves,
down our boots,
stings wrists and ankles
into action.

The king, mittens caked in ice,
face a crinkled cabbage,
menaces with imperious shouts,
his galoshes flailing
like desperate fish
as he ousts us one by one
from his summit.

He has only to skip a beat,
slip on the hardened skin of snow,
and a new power will emerge,
sure as a red scarf
abandoned on the hedge—
bold rag of winter,
bright flag of spring.



Miriam Pederson lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she is a Professor of English at Aquinas College. She earned an MFA degree in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University.

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