Volume 2 : Issue 1



Lynn Pattison

In the distance, the Irvin's horn

Eagle at nine o'clock 


Donald Wayne Little

Winter Leaves


Gregory Loselle



Farida Samekhanova

Snow in Toronto

The Light of the Distant Star


Linda Leedy Schneider

The Day After a Lunar Eclipse



Laurence W. Thomas



Robert Haight

Six a.m. 


Miriam Pederson

King of the Mountain


Lynn Tremblay

The Train to Nipissing

Ed Woods

Writer’s Block


Destiny Dorozan

Lake Snow



Writer’s Block
by Ed Woods


I remember the day well
enroute home on transit
to my hellhole abode
deep in writer’s block
moot creativeness

Burlington Route 10
GM Coach and Detroit Diesel
driven by Rita in vocal song
to lyrics and composition
on this mobile stage
as a chorus of angels
driven to rescue
a dormant poet

my mind became inspired
and tonight my pen
will still be in motion
well past midnight



Ed Woods is originally from Toronto and now Dundas, Ontario.


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