The launch party for The Ambassador Poetry Project was hosted at Grosse Pointe Art Center on September 25, 2009. In partnership with Marick Press and Wayne State University Press, the event featured ten poetry readings and a musical performance by Carly Keyes.

Approximately 100 people came out to celebrate the launch and support our regional arts. Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you to GPAC, Marick Press, and WSU Press for your support.

A special thanks must also be given to our fantastic readers featured at the launch: John Jeffire, Laurence W. Thomas, Olga Klekner, Amy Stilgenbauer, Eric Torgersen, Ken Meisel, Dan Ames, Heather Ann Schmidt, Lori A. May, and Mariela Griffor.


Thank you to our attentive audience for your support! 

At The Ambassador Poetry Project contributor table.

Mariela Griffor at the Marick Press table. 

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